Sunday, May 25, 2014

Blackland Prairie Raptor Center - Rescue Center for Raptors

Blackland Prairie Raptor Center is dedicated to environmental preservation through public education and the conservation of birds of prey and wildlife in their natural habitat.

 Red Tailed Hawk

 Peregrine Falcon

 Egret just happened to fly overhead :)

 Great Horned Owl

 Great Horned Owl

 Red Shouldered Hawk

 Female American Kestrel

 Female American Kestrel

 Mississippi Kite

 Barn Owl

 Barred Owl

 Barred Owl

 Barred Owl

 Eastern Screech Owl - Grey Phase
(fractal processing)

 Eastern Screech Owl - Grey Phase

 Eastern Screech Owl - Red Phase

 Blackland Prairie Raptor Center

I found this Bibbed Domistic Mallard when I was going thru Lucas and stopped at the Sonic.
This duck flew right in front of me. As soon as my order arrived, I drove to the other side of the parking lot and there was a large pond with ducks.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Addisynn turns 3

Today was the birthday party for my now 3 year old GREAT granddaughter,Addisynn...