Saturday, March 31, 2012

Maverick's first game - Little League

It was the Bears vs the Rangers.... WE WON!!  Score 9-1

Action at First :o)

Mav got a double
Next batter brought him into Home :o)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eagle Webcam videos

I know I have an unusually large number of videos and screenshots from the Norfolk Botanical Gardens Eagle Cam... but this is an unusual year. Normally there would have just been a few videos and still quite a few stills of the courtship and laying of eggs. Of course once the "bobbleheads" hatched, there would be tons of video then. But looks like that is not to be this year. Generally Eagles mate for life. The resident male lost his mate last year when she was hit by a plane that was landing. There was lots of drama when it was decided he couldn't take care of the 3 eaglets and they were removed from the nest. They were raised then released by the Wildlife Center of Virginia. That is another story. In September, a first year breeder came thru and Dad invited her to stay. She was beautiful. Everything was going great when she had a run-in with an electrical wire and died (this was Jan.6). Since then it has been one female after another. Female #2 showed up at the nest from Jan8-19. Female # 2 was very aggressive and "bossy". She was called "Notch Lady" because of a missing wing feather. Our male was never comfortable around her. His head feathers were ALWAYS ruffled :o) Then on Jan 20, in came Female #3 (aka Dirty Tail). She was a few weeks younger than #2 and Dad was instantly smitten with her. On Jan 31, #2 showed up and mated with our male. Then the male chased #2 out of the gardens.  All was well and everyone went on "egg watch" with #3. No eggs, but they seemed to be bonding well.
Then suddenly, another "intruder".... Female #4. Her appearance at the nest on March 7 was after 2 midair locked talon fights with #3. When #4 dropped down into the nest a fierce battle ensued. The male was the victor and #4 moved to a branch, but did not leave. #3 has not been seen since. Eventually # 4 was accepted by the male and is the resident female as of now (about 2 weeks later). Female #2 made a brief appearance on March 20, but was made unwelcome by the male and she left. That more or less brings you up to date. This mate selection is unprecedented and is being watched by biologists all over the world.

Click here to view my screen captures

Click here to view the eaglecam yourself :o)

This is our male

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mav hit a triple!!!

Mav was awesome in the scrimmage game.......And his Daddy was there to see it.
He hit a triple then next batter brought him home!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


Last practice before the first scrimmage game.  First "real" action photos tomorrow :o)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mentor Giveaway by Wish Photography

Kandis is a great photographer.. she is giving away a mentoring session AT YOUR LOCATION!!  This is awesome. A great opportunity to pick up tips and pick her brain :o)
Check it out and enter: 7000 Fan Giveaway

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Look at link on right of the page for ALL the photos I take this season.
Labeled: The Bears 2012 Season Pinto Division of the Little League

Some photos from Maverick's Baseball practice

Having fun at pitcher's mound
This is Coach Pitched League

After getting hit in the face , he remembered the glove is his friend

Got a hit in a scrimmage game

Almost made it to first base :o)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Not much happening right now

Tomorrow Maverick has his first baseball practice. I will try to get a few shots there and Saturday will check in with Mav's Wing Jitsu instructor. He wanted to talk to me about photos and video. Will be a busy sports season  :o)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Entering the I Heart Faces photo challenge


I entered this photo in the I Heart Faces Photo Challenge

I Heart Faces  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Forty Toes Giveaway :D

Forty Toes has a great giveaway for Rilla Rose Designs!!!...
